For corporate and promotional sashes the font size is usually determined by the length of your message, font style & whether it is in capitals or lower case. We will always print your message as large as possible so that it stands out on your sash unless requested differently. Please type your text EXACTLY as you want it to appear on your party sash. For example, in capitals, lower case, any exclamation marks etc.
We have given you the option to print on both the front and back of your party sashes. This is optional, you can still create your sash if you only want text on the front. The choice is yours!
If you would like us to print your logo onto your sash, please email this to us in a jpg or pdf format. This will be printed in the same colour as your chosen font.
For large quantities of party sashes, please call 0845 2240514 in order to discuss our quantity discount rates.